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[我的原创] 还要再投诉这个老师吗?

发表于 2013-5-23 03:16:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
因为Selina下学期选法语班还是英语班的事情昨天试图找老师问问看, 结果搞得很生气. 回来写了封投诉信准备发Email给教育局. 为了让自己冷静一下, 昨天写好暂时没有发, 今天早上起来联想到Selina和他们同学之前对这个老师的评论, 觉得还是向教育局反映一下比较好. 打电话去问好Email投递方式, 正要发信的时候, Selina从学校打电话回来说填表的事, 顺便说到老师跟她说昨天对不起她太忙了.  我心一软, 现在又在想到底要不要发这个投诉信呢?

To whom it may concern:

My name is****. My daughter, Selina **, is a grade 5 student at ***** School.

This September Selina will be moving to ***** Middle School with her classmates.  I understand we have the option of enrolling Selina in a French immersion program or an English program.  While my daughter would prefer to take the French immersion program, I had some concerns as to how well she would do in a French program with her having just learned to speak English during the past 16 months.  I discovered It was the last 2 days to make this decision, so early this morning I went to the school and attempted to make an appointment with Selina's teacher, Madame White, as she would be in the best position to assess Selina's grasp of French from this past year. The receptionist told me she would pass along the message to Madame White and Madame White would give me a call.  At 12:30pm I had still not heard from her, so I contacted the school again, this time leaving a detailed voice mail that I really needed Madame White to call me back.  At 2:00pm I decided to go to the school again where I spoke with the same receptionist at 8:30 am. She was very pleasant and seemed surprised that Madame White did not call me back since she had already passed along my message to her. While I was speaking to the receptionist at 2:35PM, Madame White happened to walk by, so the receptionist asked me to wait while she went to tell her I was here.  Instead of Madame While taking 5 minutes to come back and answer a few of my questions, she instructed the receptionist to simply tell me that Selina should be fine going into the French program.  While the receptionist was telling me this, Madame White walked by the office again, but she seemed to be avoiding looking in our direction, likely to avoid speaking with me.

While I understand Madame White may have been busy, I still would have appreciated a little more professionalism and consideration.  

During the school year, I made other attempts to discuss Selina's performance by writing on the Agenda book like the way I communicated with former teacher, but she never did reply to my requests. Selina has also told me that Madame White shouts at the students far more than any other teacher she has had. I do understand that 5th graders can require discipline at times, but I expect that with Madame White's training, she would find more effective way of managing the behavior of her students, as opposed to teaching them that shouting is the only way to deal with these situations.

With Selina leaving the school next month, I could easily have brushed this off since Selina or I will not have to deal with her next school year, but I would prefer to at least put this complaint on record in case it may help other students or parents that she will be dealing with next year.

On a more positive note, apart from Madame White, everybody at the school is very friendly and I am always greeted with a beautiful smile , especially from the receptionist, and I greatly appreciated the help and information they have given me.



参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
四眼妹 + 5 谢谢飞飞分享的投诉信。支持投诉! ...



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发表于 2013-5-23 03:47:55 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 2财富 +15 收起 理由
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发表于 2013-5-23 03:48:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-23 03:55:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-23 03:57:11 | 显示全部楼层

目前这封信读完,我不清楚你的诉求,是希望我与那位教师沟通让她书面或电话和你解释及道歉吗?   还是我回复你表示下同情即可。


参与人数 1财富 +5 收起 理由
lindazy + 5


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-23 04:05:53 | 显示全部楼层
是的,你说得对,我本人没有诉求. 因为我们还有十来天就离开这个学校, 也不会再跟这个老师打交道了, 她是否沟通道歉对我们没有任何影响和意义.
投诉不投诉对我女儿和我本人没有任何影响. 我只是希望教育部门了解这个老师的问题, 促使这个老师改进, 或者选择合适的老师, 对后面的学生和家长有好处.
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发表于 2013-5-23 07:47:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-23 07:50:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-23 07:52:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-23 08:14:50 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1财富 +10 收起 理由
逗逗飞 + 10 谢谢!


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发表于 2013-5-23 08:16:08 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 2财富 +17 收起 理由
蓝色薄荷 + 7
逗逗飞 + 10 多谢你的观点!


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-23 09:01:24 | 显示全部楼层
9# lamjin
呵呵, 不同意你的观点.

家长因为孩子选课程的重要事情希望跟老师交流, 是正当的要求, 老师应该接待, 这是她的工作职责之一. 有原因暂时不能接待也应说明理由, 当时她就在办公室外, 过来打个招呼解释一下约个时间只需要一分钟, 哪怕找个借口也是基本礼貌对不对?

这个老师我只在去年她刚做五年级老师的时候有机会聊过几分钟, 之后基本没有任何机会可以交流. 这里老师都会在家校联系册上和家长互动交流孩子情况, 她从来不在联系册上作任何留言, 我的留言也不回应. 听我女儿说她从不查看联系册. 昨天的举动更表明她完全忽视与家长的联络交流. 家校交流的重要性一直教育部门强调, 这种忽略应该不是教育部门和家长所期待的.
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-23 09:14:08 | 显示全部楼层
11# MorningLight
呵呵, 恩, 主要是不说出细节无法说清楚当时的具体情况. 那一段的确拉杂了, 有情绪的因素在里面, 也为了万一教育部门调查的时候避免老师随便找个借口敷衍过去.

昨天三次就是尝试和老师沟通, 可是完全没有机会不是? 呵呵, 我不打算和学校沟通, 是不想这封信直接到了老师手里, 因为据说学校领导....(具体略去),  我希望我这个信能产生一些改变的作用, 不是让老师记恨我就算完了.

我也同意薄荷.  感谢薄荷和你的修改意见! 我如果明天决定发的话, 会加上: 希望教育部门了解这个老师的问题, 促使这个老师改进, 或者选择合适的老师, 对后面的学生和家长有好处.


参与人数 1财富 +7 收起 理由
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发表于 2013-5-23 09:36:25 | 显示全部楼层
中式思维。教师是有工会的, 你根本没什么投诉的理由。
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发表于 2013-5-23 09:56:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 MorningLight 于 2013-5-23 10:07 编辑



参与人数 1财富 +10 收起 理由
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-23 10:21:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 逗逗飞 于 2013-5-23 10:28 编辑

14# lamjin 呵呵,你还是坚持老师没有错?那倒不是,本地朋友我有不少,他们对这个事情的认识上没有跟我有什么分歧。
你提工会,我猜你的意思是说如果这个事情不至于严重到要开除老师,这点我同意,好吧我收回说过的"或者选择合适的老师"这句话。不过这里教育部门对家长意见还是很重视的,你那个老师一手遮天家长只能无奈接受的想法倒是有点中式思维了,呵呵, 你自己说是不是?
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发表于 2013-5-23 11:29:54 | 显示全部楼层
你投诉的理由是什么? 就因为你觉得你事情重要,你要求老师见你, 老师没见你?
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-23 11:31:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-23 11:40:44 | 显示全部楼层



参与人数 1财富 +10 收起 理由
逗逗飞 + 10 嘿嘿,我喜欢


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发表于 2013-5-23 11:49:06 | 显示全部楼层
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